How to Promote Health During the Colder Months By Brendan Kelly, L. Ac., M. Ac., HerbalistJade Mountain Wellness, Burlington, VTwww.jademtwellness.com802-399-21202 In addition to being able to treat a wide range of symptoms, Chinese medicine can…

Costs Threaten to Overwhelm Us By Brendan Kelly, M. Ac., L. Ac., acupuncturist and herbalist Our health care system is sick and part of it comes from health care economics. Not only is there a…

What Happens Within Us is Connected to What Happens in Nature Brendan Kelly, M Ac, L Ac, Herbalist, Jade Mountain Wellness From several thousand years of continuous application, Chinese medicine has developed a genuinely holistic…

We’ve just posted three new Chinese medicine videos of us talking about: 1. Chinese medicine’s understanding of Yin and Yang, and how we can apply these ideas to our own health and healing 2. A…

What are our symptoms trying to tell us? Brendan Kelly, M Ac, L Ac, Herbalist In classical Chinese medical thinking, there is a significant emphasis placed on the importance of intention. Rather than looking solely…

At a Basic Level, Health is the Balance of Yin and Yang By Brendan Kelly, L. Ac., M. Ac. So much of what we hear about health is that we need to do things. We…

Understand the Symptoms By Brendan Kelly, acupuncturist and herbalist One central idea in Chinese medicine is that it’s fundamentally important, for both practitioner and patient, to try to understand what symptoms are trying to tell…

A Broader View of Chinese Medicine Applied to Health Care Reform. By Brendan Kelly, acupuncturist, herbalist For several thousand years, Chinese medicine has emphasized the importance of looking below the surface. In the treatment room,…

and Who Should Pay For It Brendan Kelly, L. Ac., M. Ac., acupuncturist and herbalist Despite the great emotions being expressed about health care reform, the scope of change that is predominantly being discussed is…