
Chinese Medicine

Natural Therapies


What Our Clients Say...

I came to Brendan at Jade Mountain Wellness after being assaulted while at work. I sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury/TBI developed double vision due to blows to the head and neck along with neck and shoulder pain and PTSD.

Brendan listened with compassion and assured me that all of these things could be helped if not erased with time and treatment. This has proven to be a most wonderful truth in my life.

Brendan worked with me and my body to heal and relieve pain and trauma through acupuncture and occasional cupping therapy. He formulated special herbs to help with sleep and anxiety and had many recommendations for eating to help heal my body and mind.

After each treatment I could feel my body responding with a lessening of pain, anxiety and hurt. I could feel my energy returning and my headaches lessening. Over time… I have come off my medication and am on my way to full recovery.

I tell everyone about them and their wonderful healing approach… Coming to Jade Mountain Wellness has been the best thing I could have done to facilitate my recovery.

Lisa M. Albergh, VT

After 15+ years of struggling with an undiagnosed Tick Borne Illness, nine West Blot tests, and finally getting a positive Lyme test result.. [I was] suffering with severe symptoms ranging from fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, frontal lobe and cardiac involvement… I read everything I could get my hands on about Lyme disease and then tried to treat my symptoms with natural medicine…with minimal results.

I finally made my way to Jade Mountain Wellness where Brendan Kelly worked with me and through acupuncture and Chinese herbs, over a short amount of time, he landed on the formula and acupuncture treatments that truly made a difference in how I felt… This regiment truly gave me my life back!

I couldn’t be more grateful for Jade Mountain Wellness’ support through my struggle. I highly recommend Jade Mountain Wellness for any health issue or for maintaining your health.”

Sally Mack Charlotte,VT

For five years I have been a regular client of Jade Mountain Wellness and sought the knowledge, wisdom and guidance of Brendan. His phenomenal counsel has helped empower me and propel my health to the greatest level I have experienced in my life.

His individualized approach and friendly professional manner makes visiting his practice always a heart-warming experience. I can say with confidence since beginning my journey to better health by learning simple, effective and proven remedies for preventing disease I have not been seriously ill or even affected by common seasonal sicknesses. For that, I am eternally grateful.

James Lambert Morrisville, VT

Burlington, Vermont Acupuncture and Natural Medicine

Jade Mountain Wellness provides individualized natural health care for the whole family, from toddlers to seniors, including acupuncture, non-needle treatments, and customized western and Chinese herbal formulas to address a wide variety of physical and emotional symptoms, prevent their re-occurrence, and promote long-lasting health. We are committed to the well-being of our patients, our community and the environment. We offer classes about western herbs, Chinese medicine and healthy living and healthy living. We are committed to deepening our understanding of Chinese medicine and acupuncture through advanced post-graduate training each year.

Jade Mountain Wellness Videos

Latest News & Events

Lessons from COVID: Part 3

In these challenging times, there is good news. For several thousand years, Chinese medicine has been promoting well-being and treating illnesses of all kinds. Even with something as potentially frightening as a pandemic, there are…

Healing the Brain: Chinese Medicine’s Neurology Tradition

By Brendan Kelly, L. Ac. M. Ac. Herbalist First published in the newsletter of the Florida State Chinese Medicine Association as an introduction to a class Brendan is teaching at their conference August 13, 2021…

Covid 2
Lessons from COVID: Part 2

In these challenging times, there’s much that the wisdom of Chinese medicine can offer. For several thousand years practitioners of acupuncture and eastern herbal medicine have effectively and safely treated viral infections while preventing disease…

Inflammation Anxiety and Climate Change
Inflammation, Anxiety and Climate Change
Lucky for us, there is a Chinese medicine tradition well-suited for our times. Published in the June 2019 newsletter for the Florida State Oriental Medicine Association By Brendan Kelly, M. Ac., L. Ac., herbalist, author In…

Our Hours

Tuesday & Wednesday:
10:00am - 7:00pm.

12:00pm - 5:30pm.

10:00am - 5:30pm.

The clinic is closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Jade Mountain Wellness

Phone: 802-399-2102

Physical Address
Jade Mountain Wellness
Kilburn & Gates Building
27 Kilburn Street
Burlington, VT  05401

Mailing Address
Jade Mountain Wellness
27 Kilburn Street Suite 222
Burlington, VT  05401

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