Conditions Treated with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

From our clinical experience Chinese medicine has the ability to help with and treat:
- Lyme disease from initial tick bite through late-stage neurological Lyme. This includes the many symptoms and co-infections associated with the condition
- A Chinese medicine understanding of viral and bacterial infections and their long term effects, including COVID and long COVID.
- A very wide range of neurological conditions including all types of seizures
- a wide variety of pain and trauma, both chronic and acute
- a wide variety of psychological and emotional issues
- the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, as well as the underlying causes of cancer
- auto immune issues
- digestive issues
- reproductive and pregnancy issues
- sleep disturbances
- developmental and attention issues in children
- menopausal and perimenopausal issues
- fatigue and exhaustion
- a wide variety of skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, acne, and haleys-haleys
- respiratory issues (chronic and acute) including asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, and bronchitis
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol
- a wide variety of degenerative diseases, including fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis, and Epstein Barr
- infectious diseases, including herpes, hepatitis, and HIV
- pre-surgery preparation and post-surgery healing
- colds and flues
- overweight and underweight issues
Perhaps most importantly, Chinese medicine can not only treat and help prevent the occurrence of symptoms, but it can also promote a deep sense of well-being in body, mind, and spirit. As both of these traditions developed from an agricultural society, they can help us tend to our own well-being as would a skillful farmer.