
accupuncture to relieve knee painYour first acupuncture session lasts about 90 minutes and includes a thorough evaluation of your health history, classical Chinese diagnosis, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and a treatment.

Each subsequent treatment lasts 60-75 minutes.

Acupuncture utilizes single-use, flexible, sterilized, disposable, stainless steel needles that are very thin, approximately the thickness of two human hairs. You may experience various sensations during treatments, which can range from a dull ache to a tingling sensation and they usually subside quickly.

The usual response from a treatment is a sense of relaxation, with many people falling asleep during a session.

Brendan of Jade Mountain Wellness has provided over 30,000 individualized acupuncture treatments to date, working with a diverse age of patients from toddlers to seniors. If you want to find an experienced acupuncturist in Vermont, look no further than Jade Mountain Wellness in Burlington.

Total Acupuncture Treatments Performed

Brendan of Jade Mountain Wellness has provided over 30,000 individualized acupuncture treatments

Jade Mountain Wellness Videos

Our Hours

Tuesday & Wednesday:
10:00am - 7:00pm.

12:00pm - 5:30pm.

10:00am - 5:30pm.

The clinic is closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Jade Mountain Wellness

Phone: 802-399-2102

Physical Address
Jade Mountain Wellness
Kilburn & Gates Building
27 Kilburn Street
Burlington, VT  05401

Mailing Address
Jade Mountain Wellness
27 Kilburn Street Suite 222
Burlington, VT  05401

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