COVID and Climate Crisis (Recorded Class)

Started on March 10, 2025

Embedded in the long history of Chinese medicine is the understanding that we are intimately connected to the world around us. Using contemporary western climate science and a traditional Chinese medicine understanding of epidemics, we’ll discuss the direct, immediate connection between COVID and the destabilization of the climate. Brendan also uses the ideas and research from his book “The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis” to discuss the bigger and deeper issues connected to our warming planet including imbalances in our economic and medical systems as well as what we value individually.

We’ll also use the lens of the Chinese medicine’s School of Heat/Wen Bing tradition–which was developed starting in the 1300s in response to other epidemics— to provide a larger, cultural view of the underlying conditions that contribute to creating wide-spread sickness and disease. Brendan will also discuss his clinical experience using western and eastern herbs to treat Chinese medicine’s understanding of COVID and other viral infections.

Our Hours

Tuesday & Wednesday:
10:00am - 7:00pm.

12:00pm - 5:30pm.

10:00am - 5:30pm.

The clinic is closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Jade Mountain Wellness

Phone: 802-399-2102

Physical Address
Jade Mountain Wellness
Kilburn & Gates Building
27 Kilburn Street
Burlington, VT  05401

Mailing Address
Jade Mountain Wellness
27 Kilburn Street Suite 222
Burlington, VT  05401

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